Early Years
Mingo Waloom Best Start program
Best Start brings professionals together to create and measure positive sustainable changes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families in Early Childhood Education and Maternal and Child Health.
Our partners include City of Greater Geelong, Bethany, Barwon Health, Barwon Child Youth and Family (BCYF), Goodstart Early Learning, Colac Area Health, Colac Otway Shire, Department of Education and Training (DET), Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (LAECG), DHHF, Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC), Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited (VACSAL) and Deakin University.
The Best Start facilitator engages representatives from other services within Early Years Education and Maternal and child Health as appropriate. Every year Wathaurong puts a large focus on ensuring the voice of Aboriginal community members and Elders are heard right throughout the Mingo Waloom Partnership.

Koorie Preschool Assistant program (KPSA)
Wathaurong Community
Families with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged three or four years, or who may be turning three or four years old.
Kindergarten Community
Kindergarten programs who have Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander families accessing their service and would like further support with ensuring a culturally safe environment for families.
The Koorie Preschool Assistant (KPSA):
- advocates for families.
- liaises with health and welfare agencies to support outcomes for children.
- supports community members with kindergarten enrollments.
- maintains working relationships with educational services.
- liaises with early childhood educators and professionals.
- provides ongoing support to families so that they can access and participate in mainstream kindergarten programs.
- ensures cultural connection, safety, and well being for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
For more information or for a yarn, you can call Wathaurong on (03) 5277 0044 and ask to speak with the Koorie Preschool Assistant or KPSA, or email Hayley Boehm at hayley.boehm@wathaurong.org.au
For more information or for a yarn, you can call Wathaurong on (03) 5277 0044 and ask to speak with the Koorie Preschool Assistant or KPSA, or email Hayley Boehm at hayley.boehm@wathaurong.org.au

Koorie Families As First Educators (KFFE)
KFFE supports Koorie families to provide a strong foundation for their children’s early learning and development through high-quality, culturally safe, evidence-based parenting support (pre-birth to school age, including transition to school). Koorie educators work with parents/carers to build the capacity of Koorie families to support their children’s early learning and development.
Parents and caregivers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged from pre-birth to school entry.
KFFE family educators are trained in the following parenting programs:
After a referral has been received, an initial phone consult and/or home visit will be organised with one of the team members from within the KFFE initiative. The KFFE team member will support you with identifying your goals for yourself and your child’s development. With your input you will work together to find the most appropriate supports for you and your families’ needs, this will also include participation in one of the parenting support programs to equip you with the skills and knowledge based on your goals you wish to achieve.
Support can be provided to community members and their families in three different ways: INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT

Milla Milla & Kitjarra Booboop Playgroup
Milla Milla Playgroup gives our community the opportunity for parents, caregivers and their children to come together in a culturally safe environment to learn more about Aboriginal culture and strengthen the cultural identity of children through play.
Parents and caregivers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged from pre-birth to school entry.
Milla Milla Playgroup is every Thursday and Friday (excluding school holidays) from 11:00am - 1:00pm. Lunch is provided.
Kitjarra Booboop is a targeted playgroup for families with babies under 12 months old. Kitjarra Booboop gives our community the opportunity for parents, caregivers and their children to come together in a culturally safe environment to learn more about their child’s development, share experiences and strengthen the cultural identity of children through coming together.
Playgroup gives children the opportunity to:
- Have fun
- Make new friends and build upon social skills
- Develop new skills through informal play
- Strengthen their cultural identity
- Strengthen their knowledge of their culture
Playgroup gives parents and caregivers the opportunity to:
- Meet other parents and caregivers
- Make friends
- Share ideas and experiences
- Spend quality time with their children
- Encourage, help, or simply play with their children.
If transport is a problem, let us know so we can include you and your child in pickups to and from Playgroup
A usual day at playgroup usually consists of:
- Free play
- Group session including story time, singing, learning Wadda Wurrung language
- Lunch
- Outdoor play
If you access Milla Milla Playgroup online via the Facebook page, you will be guided through a group time session facilitated by Wathaurong’s playgroup facilitator.