Koori Maternity Services

The Koori Maternity Service (KMS) at Wathaurong Health Service offers flexible, inclusive, holistic and culturally appropriate pregnancy and postnatal care to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, or people expecting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander babies. It is a collaborative program run in partnership with Barwon Health Maternity Services, ensuring that clients get the possible maternity care.
To learn more about KMS, or to enquire about receiving services through KMS, call the KMS team on 0419 530 722 between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Download the koori maternity service poster


Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative offers a Maternal Child Health service for families of children from birth to school age. The program provides our community the choice to access an Aboriginal led MCH service with culturally supportive care. We offer both in home support and on-site appointments, which are at 11-12 Albert St, Geelong West.

Maternal and Child Health Nurses can help with things like breastfeeding and feeding your child; sleep and settling; making sure your child is growing, learning, and developing well; being a parent and looking after yourself. There are key ages and stages that your child will go through that you will visit your MCH nurse for check-ups and support.

 For any other questions about the Wathaurong MCH program, please email mch@wathaurong.org.au

There is also a 24 hr MCH telephone support service that is available to all Victorian families - call 13 22 29 to speak to a Maternal and Child Health nurse at any time of the day or night.