Tutoring or assisting with our kids homework club
Working on the land at Wurdi Youang
Assisting with youth group, men’s group, or women’s group activities and events
Helping out with community events
Other opportunities as available
gaining experience
building on skills
having things to add to your CV
feeling good about contributing to something important
Connecting with the community
We are also open to hearing from anyone with specialised skills who is interested in volunteering their time and expertise - send an email to hr@wathaurong.org.au
Due to the sensitive nature of the work we do at Wathaurong, volunteers are subject to an approval process. Cultural training can be provided and it is essential that volunteers working with us have an understanding of working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities. Most volunteer roles will also require Police and Working With Children Checks if working directly with our community.
Wathaurong is committed to providing a child safe environment. We have zero tolerance of any abuse or maltreatment of children. Everyone within Wathaurong is responsible for ensuring a culture of child safety, preventing child abuse, and abiding by the Child Safety Principles. We understand our legal and moral obligations to treat any child safety concerns seriously. We report any allegations and wellbeing concerns to authorities.
For more information on getting involved as a volunteer, email hr@wathaurong.org.au.