Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for children and young people, and Wathaurong has zero tolerance for any form of abuse of children and young people, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, cultural abuse, and neglect.
Wathaurong is committed to ensuring all children engaged with its services are culturally safe, including children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with disabilities. Wathaurong believes in the right of a child to safety in their physical and online environments.
Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative understands its obligations under the Commission for Children and Young People’s Child Safe and Reportable Conduct schemes, as well as Victorian laws such as the Failure to Disclose offence and mandatory reporting obligations under the Children Youth and Families Act. Wathaurong will uphold these obligations in the best interest of Aboriginal children.
Wathaurong will make sure we include children and families in the decisions that affect them, and we understand how children’s active participation in their care arrangements helps to prevent abuse – we will listen to children and young people and take their concerns seriously.
For more information about Wathaurong’s obligations to keep children safe:
- Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (
All Wathaurong staff, office holders, contractors and volunteers are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a Child Safe organisation, and failure to uphold these obligations may result in disciplinary action.
To make a confidential complaint, please contact Wathaurong’s Complaints Officer at 52770044 or