Family & Parenting Support
Integrated Family Services
The Integrated Family Services program is part of a partnership with Barwon Children and Family Services Alliance which consist of other family services providers in Geelong; Diversitat, BCYF, Bethany, Colac Area Health and CoGG. The program supports families with children 0-18 years old where there may be concerns of parenting capacity, neglect, mental health, family violence or various other issues that impact on the childrens lives. The aim of the program is to improve the safety, stability and development of children and for Wathaurong it is about doing this in a way which puts culture at the forefront of what we do. We respectfully work with families to improve the capacity of parents and caregivers in their interactions with their children.

Family Preservation & Reunification
What is the Family Preservation and Reunification program?
The FPR program is an evidence-based, outcome focused intensive child and family support model that aims to promote strong families, with children who are safe, healthy, resilient and thriving; and parents and caregivers who are supported to create a safe and nurturing home environment. The FPR program works closely in partnership with Child Protection to work alongside and advocate strongly with decisions that are being made, ensuring that everything is in the best interest of the children, and ensuring that we are supporting families to reach the best possible outcomes.

Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making (AFLDM)
What is AFLDM
The AFLDM program is based on traditional Aboriginal values and decision-making processes, where responsibility for growing kids is shared by parents, extended family and the community and guided by the wisdom and experience of Elders.

KFFE supports Koorie families to provide a strong foundation for their children’s early learning and development through high-quality, culturally safe, evidence-based parenting support (pre-birth to school age, including transition to school). Koorie educators work with parents/carers to build the capacity of Koorie families to support their children’s early learning and development.