news / 10/10/2024

Notice of 2023/2024 Annual General Meeting


To all members, under Rule 36 of the Wathaurong Aboriginal  
Co-operative Constitution you are hereby notified that the 2023/24 AGM shall be held on: 

DATE: Sunday 24th November 2024
TIME: 10:30am to 12:30pm
VENUE: Wurdi Youang, 700-850 Little River-Ripley Road, Little River

Please note: 
1. In accordance with Rule 36 there are five (5) vacancies declared on the Board of Directors. The five vacancies are:

  • 3 general Director positions for 2-year terms
  • 1* Wyndham dedicated Director position for 2-year term, and
  • 1* Colac dedicated Director position for 1-year term.

*Please note if no nominations are received for Wyndham or Colac roles, they will remain vacant

2. Who can become a Director on the Board of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative?
– A person who is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent,
– A person who is 18 years or older,
– A person who has been a member of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative for a minimum of two continuous years; and no other member of their family is currently a Director

3. Who cannot become a Director on the Board of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative?
-A person who is not a member of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative,

– A person who has a family member currently serving as a Director,

-A person who is disqualified under section 181 of the Co-operatives National law, and

-A person who is an employee of the organisation.

4. Board candidate nomination forms are available from Thursday 10th October 2024 and closing on Friday 25th October 2024. You can request a copy of the nomination form by email from or you can pick up a Board candidate nomination form at Morgan St, Administration Building at Reception.


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