At Wathaurong, we provide individually planned and coordinated supports for older people to remain living independently, the way you would like.
You will have your own personal Case Manager who will work with you to meet your individual needs and organise a care team to provide services and support.
The types of services that may be provided as part of a package include:
Basic garden and home maintenance
Assistance with personal care
Nursing care, including medication management
Social support
In-home domestic assistance
Meal preparation
Transport to appointments
Case Management support
The Home Care Package program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Visit the My Aged Care website for more information.
Who can access Wathaurong Home Care Services?
This service is available to older Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (+50) people who have an applicable approved Home Care Package following a My Aged Care Assessment. The first step is to contact My Aged Care for your assessment - we can support you or you can call My Aged Care direct on 1800 200 422 or visit their website at When completing your assessment with My Aged Care, ask to be referred to Wathaurong.
What does it cost?
This service is free for Older Adults with a full aged pension and approved package. For Older Adults with a part pension or other circumstances, a Medicare assessed client contribution may apply. Contact Wathaurong for further details.

The Wathaurong Home Care Package program encourages people to actively participate in planning their services.

The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) is funded by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health. The program is a basic-needs home support government program that supports Australians over the age of 65 (or 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) who wish to continue staying at home but want additional support, such as household help, meal preparation or delivery, personal care and transport. The services are subsidised by the government and come at a low cost to you. CHSP is used when you need low-level of support. If the complexity of your needs increases you can be referred for a Home Care Package.
Domestic Assistance
Flexible Respite
Home Maintenance
The primary goals of CHSP are to provide the following:
- To provide basic level assistance to people who are, for the most part, able to cope on their own
- To support people to be more independent at home and in the community
- To keep people in their own homes and communities for as long as possible
- to work with the local community to make sure it is more welcoming and inclusive for people with disability.
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is called the NDIS. It's a new way for people with a disability under the age of 65 to get the care and supports they need.
The NDIS is for people with a permanent and significant disability which impacts on their ability to take part in everyday activities.
If you are eligible, you will work out what reasonable and necessary supports you need to live your life and achieve your goals. You'll then receive funding to pay for these support.
What is Support Coordination?
Our Support Coordination service connects NDIS participants with informal, mainstream and specialist services. We work with you to build independence and improve quality of life and support you to overcome any barriers that you may encounter. A trained Support Coordinator will work with you to ensure you have access to the required supports to achieve the goals outlined in your NDIS plan.
When you have an NDIS plan, you can decide which service providers you work with. Some people find and coordinate their services themselves, but it can be quite difficult. That's when Support Coordination might be included in your NDIS plan.
Support Coordinators can help you find mainstream and other disability services that are right for you. At Wathaurong, we provide coordination of supports. You will need to have funding for this included in your NDIS plan, to access these services.
Your needs will always come first. We will also chat with you to make sure that our services are just the right fit.
What can Support Coordinators help me with?
Support Coordinators can help you find and connect with different mainstream services. This could be a TAFE course, a physiotherapist, or even getting a mental health plan through your GP. They can also help you:
Be a part of your community
Understand your NDIS plan
Understand your budget
Work out the best way to spend your funds
Use the myGov website and NDIS Participant Portal
Prepare for your NDIS plan review
The Support Coordinators job is to make sure they find the best option for you by looking at all the choices on the table. Support Coordination is funded under Capacity Building - Support Coordination in your NDIS plan. If you do not have Support Coordination in your plan, you (or your nominee) will need to do these tasks.
Please note - we bill in line with the NDIS Price Guide, which generally increases annually.
For more information on whether you are eligible for the NDIS and how the NDIS planning process works, visit the NDIS website.
The Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officer is here to help you better understand what the NDIS is and how it works.
Our goal is to support mob and walk with you on your NDIS journey to get the best results for you.
Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officers (formerly known as Community Connectors) are community members employed by Wathaurong to connect you to services, support workers and the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency).
Our team is here to help. If you would like the Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officer to talk with you, a family member with a disability, or a carer, please call us.
We can meet you at your place, or one of at our offices, or another place that's suitable.
Remember you mob, we're here to help. So, drop in and say hello, or phone us to start things happening.
What does the Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officer do?
The purpose of the Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officer Program is to ensure there is culturally appropriate connection between the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and Community, helping to enhance engagement and communication allowing Aboriginal people about the NDIS and are supported to complete NDIS plans.
- Engage community in their understanding & awareness of the NDIS and support local linkages
- Identify potential NDIS eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Community with disability
- Engage potential NDIS eligible Aboriginal people and their families in their understanding & awareness of the NDIS, the eligibility requirements & access process
- Encourage and assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander to access services under the NDIS
- Link Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are not eligible for NDIS to community mainstream supports and/or refer them to their Local Area Coordinator (LAC) partner to support linkages to community and mainstream supports
To learn more, call us on 5277 0044 or contact Annmarie Wills on 0473 549 074.
Balert Care Connections Referral Form
Please note, this online referral form is only for NDIS participants. If you are interested in connecting with Balert Care through My Aged Care, please call us on 03 5277 0044 or email to discuss.
Under the NDIS, Social and Community Services are about supporting people with a disability to take part in their community.
This is just another way of saying it's about getting out and about, meeting people, and trying new things!
Sometimes you could head out for activities such as swimming or horse-riding, or you might choose to do an art or music class instead.
Social and Community Participation services are funded under one of the following in your NDIS plan:
Core - Assistance with Social and Community Participation
Capacity Building - Increased Social & Community Participation
Or you can chat with our team about you might use funding from other support categories!
Please note: We bill in line with the NDIS Price Guide, which generally increases annually.
Getting our and about is important, so we support NDIS participants to be active in the community. We'll connect you with a trained Support Worker who can support you to attend and participate in a range of outings that include (but not limited to):
Medical and personal appointments
Sport and entertainment
Visiting family and friends
Other recreation and public events
Interested in something new? We can support you to explore new events and experiences in the community. We can also assist with transport and mobility, contact us to discuss your interests and how we can keep you active.