To all members, under Rule 36 of the Wathaurong Aboriginal
Co-operative Constitution you are hereby notified that the 2021/22 AGM shall be held on:
DATE: Sunday 26th February 2023
TIME: 10:30am to 12:30pm
VENUE: Wurdi Youang, 700-850 Little River-Ripley Road, Little River
Please note:
1. In accordance with Rule 36 there are five (5) vacancies (3 positions for 21 months; and 2 9 months) declared on the Board of Directors.
2. Who can become a Director on the Board of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative?
– A person who is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent,
– A person who is 18 years or older,
– A person who has been a member of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative for a minimum of two continuous years; and no other member of their family is currently a Director.
3. Who cannot become a Director on the Board of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative?
– A person who has been declared bankrupt,
– A person who has an offence within a period of 5 years after a conviction, or if sentenced to imprisonment, after release from prison.
4. Board candidate nomination forms are available from Friday 13th January 2023, you can request a copy by email from or from Monday 16 January 2023 pick up a Board candidate nomination form at Morgan St, Administration Building Reception.
news / 13/04/2023
news / 22/05/2020
news / 13/12/2020
news / 18/12/2020